Litmus. You know it. Or maybe you don't, and that's okay. But, it's virtually impossible to talk about good email marketing practices without talking about Litmus. For quick background, Litmus offer's a ton of features for email marketers. It's an optimization tool for email marketers that allows users to test emails across all the main ESP's. It's also amazing. Litmus also provides users with advanced email analytics, which is what we'll be talking about in just a bit. But, before we dive in, this conversation wouldn't be complete without a link over to Litmus' site --> LITMUS.
This month, we've added a new feature to SendView that tracks usage of Litmus' monitoring technology by your competitors. And, to help kick things off, we've added a metric to show usage of Litmus across all emails coming into the database. Now, let's dive into the February Stats:

All-in-all, not a lot of surprises here. Monthly metrics remain consistent. Since we're talking about Litmus, my first observation is the new '% of emails with Litmus' metric is pretty interesting. I'll be honest in that I had no idea what to expect but that 1.3% seemed low at first glance. But, I actually think it's really impressive! I'll be curious to watch this metric over time. If you'd like to learn more about how we're tracking Litmus in SendView, just give a shout.

A quick look at email send volume by date shows that Thursday, February 27th was the biggest day for email volume. This is a trend that seems to carry over from month-to-month where the last Thursday of the month usually sees the highest volume, and that makes great sense as marketers push to make monthly goals.

In looking at send volume by day of week, Thursday reigns supreme with 16.41% of all emails being sent on a Thursday in February. While no surprise to see Thursday take the top spot, I was surprised to see both Wednesday and Friday nudge out Tuesday.
With that, I'll wrap up the stats summary with another mention of Litmus and subtle mention that our new Litmus tracking feature is now live. If you'd like to learn more about it, or more about SendView in general, just give us a shout --> SendView