Email Screenshot Generator

A free, online tool to easily capture a screenshot of any email file.

 This tool is provided free of charge by SendView, a slick competitor tracking platform for email marketers.

Email Screenshot Generator FAQs

Q: How does this screenshot generator work?

A: This tool uses an EML file to extract the email's HTML code and capture a screenshot image of the result. You can then download this image to your computer for use in presentations, marketing decks, and more.

Q: Do I have to an the EML file of my email?

A: Yes, right now the initial version of this tool requires an EML file to capture the screenshot of your email.

Q: How do I find the EML file of my email?

A: In your inbox, look for the "Download Message" link. In Gmail, for example, click the three dots in the upper right hand corner of your email and look for the "Download message" link toward the bottom.

Q: Can I change the height or width of my email screenshot?

A: Right now, the initial version of this tool will capture the full height of the email using a viewport that is 800 pixels wide. In future versions we're hoping to add more advanced screenshoting features including height and width.

Q: My email isn't work or is rendering funny, what should I do?

A: Just let us know we've built this to handle most email encoding styles but there could be others out there we need to account for. Send us an email with the EML file you're having trouble with and we'll take a look.