FREE TOOL Gmail Annotation Builder & Preview

Quickly generate and preview Gmail Annotation code for use in email campaigns. Build code for code for both "deal" and "product carousel" annotations.

 This tool is provided free of charge by SendView, a slick competitor tracking platform for email marketers.

Offer Settings

Displayed in the light green box.
Displayed in the light gray box.
ISO 8601 format, used for "Expires in..." callout.
ISO 8601 format, used for "Expires in..." callout.

Carousel Settings

NOTE: Google requires at least two carousel items be included.
Supported aspect ratios are 4:5, 1:1, 1.91:1, but this preview will work for non-supported sizes.
Where someone will be taken if they click an image in a carousel.
Name of the item, product, or service you're promoting.
3-letter ISO 4217 format (USD, GBP, etc.), does not show in preview
Plain integer, full price of item.
Plain integer, value of discount (not %).
Supported aspect ratios are 4:5, 1:1, 1.91:1, but this preview will work for non-supported sizes.
Where someone will be taken if they click an image in a carousel.
Name of the item, product, or service you're promoting.
3-letter ISO 4217 format (USD, GBP, etc.), does not show in preview
Plain integer, full price of item.
Plain integer, value of discount (not %).
Supported aspect ratios are 4:5, 1:1, 1.91:1, but this preview will work for non-supported sizes.
Where someone will be taken if they click an image in a carousel.
Name of the item, product, or service you're promoting.
3-letter ISO 4217 format (USD, GBP, etc.), does not show in preview
Plain integer, full price of item.
Plain integer, value of discount (not %).
Supported aspect ratios are 4:5, 1:1, 1.91:1, but this preview will work for non-supported sizes.
Where someone will be taken if they click an image in a carousel.
Name of the item, product, or service you're promoting.
3-letter ISO 4217 format (USD, GBP, etc.), does not show in preview
Plain integer, full price of item.
Plain integer, value of discount (not %).
Supported aspect ratios are 4:5, 1:1, 1.91:1, but this preview will work for non-supported sizes.
Where someone will be taken if they click an image in a carousel.
Name of the item, product, or service you're promoting.
3-letter ISO 4217 format (USD, GBP, etc.), does not show in preview
Plain integer, full price of item.
Plain integer, value of discount (not %).


Estimate only, does not guarantee how your annotations will be rendered.

Sender Name
Expires in 5 days
Subject Line will Show Up Here
20% off


Copy and paste this into the <head> of your email.

Gmail Annotation Tool FAQs

Q: What are Gmail Annotations?

A: Gmail Annotations are little bits of extra information that can be displayed in and around the normal sender name and subject line in Gmail inboxes. This information is pulled from a block of code that you include in the HEAD of your email campaign's HTML code.

Q: I added the code to an email but it's not showing when I get the campaign in my Gmail inbox?

A: Adding the code does not guarantee that Google will show those annotations along side your email in your audience's inboxes. That said, the only way to be sure they don't show any annotations is to not include the code. Adding Gmail Annotations code gives you a chance of being featured in this way in your recipients' inboxes.

Q: My code doesn't seem to be working, what's up?

A: This is a brand new tool and there may still be bugs to work out. If you find one, just let us know and we'll get it fixed. That said, after a couple of quick fixes we haven't had any further bug reports for this generator.

Q: Will the annotation preview show exactly how it will render in Gmail?

Exactly? No. Pretty dang close? Yes. Because every recipient will likely be using some unique combination Gmail version, screen size, etc. the elements may look slightly different on each screen but not significantly so. The preview feature in this generator is mainly to help you ensure you have all the elements you want in the right places and give you a general idea of how they'll look in someone's Gmail app.

Q: Why does nothing happen in the preview window for the offers start/end time annotations?

A: The only way that "Expires in..." annotation will show up is if you have correctly formatted dates in those inputs and those dates are at least a day apart. Gmail requires those to be in ISO 8601 format (ie, 2024-01-04T12:44:37-07:00) to work. As you can see from that example, this time format is YYYY-MM-DD to begin, then the letter T, then the time 00:00:00 then a -, followed by the time difference to set the timezone.

Q: I updated the cuurency in the annotations builder but it still shows a $ by the numbers.

A: Right now the preview window does not change when you change the currency in our Gmail Annotations builder. Don't worry, though, it will show up in the actual code itself. Adding currency to this annotation code generator was something that we realized was more than the scope we had planned when we built it.

Q: Where can I read Google's documentation about how Gmail Annotations work?

A: You can read the full Gmail Annotations documentation at this link and if you want to double check the preview of your code using their official tool, you can do that here. Gmail Annotation code isn't complicated, but it can break easily and can be a little bit tricky if you've never worked with JSOn code like this.