Nifty News

April Email Stats: Email Volume on the rise

  Patrick Sande     May 11, 2020    

It's been another wild month, we hope this finds you healthy and sane. With April in the books, it's time to review monthly email stats. In this month's review, we're excited to tease our newest feature, review most common email platforms,

Email Volume by Month

To kick things off this month, I'm most excited to look at email volume and how it's trending. In the March Email Stats report (-> right here), we saw a decline in send Volume for March and, additionally, early April was hinting at a continued drop. That said, I had made the caveat that email volume progressively increases throughout the month, so it was unclear on what the real trend would be. With that, we can see there has most certainly been a spike in email volume in April. Surely a sign that email marketers are feeling more comfortable hitting send.

Email Stats Summary

Next up is the updated Email Stats Table Summary with data thru April. The other metric that really caught my attention was that mentions of COVID-19 were up from March. I was anticipating mentions would drop.

Google Annotations

This is an exciting one because we just added Google Annotations to SendView. You'll see the new metric on the above table. I don't have a great baseline for what to expect in usage, but 2.94% is higher than what I was expecting to see. Stay tuned for our Google Annotations release announcement, we're excited about how this one turned out! If you're not familiar with Google email annotations, here's a great Litmus post (-> right here).


The other metric that really caught my attention was that mentions of COVID-19 were up from March. I was anticipating mentions would drop as marketers started to shift content back towards "normal" but it also makes good sense that we saw mentions rise in April as the pandemic really gained a solid grasp across the globe.

Spam Score

The last metric I want to call out in this month's report is the Average Spam Score. While not a significant increase, we did see scores tick up slight for the second month in a row. Note that the Average Spam Score is still quite low, but I do find the uptick worth watching.

Top 10 ESP's

Occasionally, we love to look at which esp's are most commonly coming into the system. In September of 2019, we looked at top ESP's for summer of 2019 (-> over here) and found that MailChimp was at the top of the charts. In looking at April 2020, Salesforce takes the top spot with 16.29% of all emails coming from the system. SendGrid comes in at the #2 spot for the month of April.

That's it for this month's recap. I hope this finds you well. Stay safe and healthy everyone.