When we first introduced the ability to "star" emails and mark your favorites, we weren't sure what usage would look like.
Though a little slow at first, we've seen more and more emails getting marked as favorite during the last little while. And while you can filter your inbox by favorites and peruse them like other emails in your inbox, we wanted to give this collection of inspiring campaigns their own, dedicated home.
So, you can now see all of these emails on the Favorites tab!

It's pretty straightforward, but let me point out three key features.
#1) Toggle Size
First, you can toggle between small thumbnails and large thumbnails depending on whether you want to visually skim your favorites or look a little closer at each one.

#2) Click for Details
Just like in your inbox, you can click on each email and get the full detail view for that campaign including all the additional actions like viewing the HTML, editing in Parcel, mobile preview, etc. You can also use the left/right arrow keys to move between emails.

#3) Filter by Tags
If you're using tags to categorize your competitors, you'll see the tag dropdown on the far right that will let you filter your favorites by emails sent by brands with that tag.

Have any other ideas for the Favorites tab? Let us know!