GIFS! From an email marketing perspective, I have to say that we love them. Done correctly, GIFs can bring a lot of good value to an email. Whether that be increasing engagement, demonstrating concepts, or adding emotion, there's a lot to gain by using a GIF well.
Now that we've professed our love for GIFs, it seems only fitting to announce that SendView now tracks use of GIFs in email.
How it works
While seeing an animated GIF in your SendView inbox is nothing new, we're now tracking and reporting on whether any email contains a GIF. This gives users the ability filter by, view, and analyze the usage of GIFs by their competitors.
With GIF tracking live, users are now able to search their inbox for emails that contain an Animated GIF. Users can either used the Advanced Filters feature to only return emails that contain Animated GIFs, or the user can toggle on the Animated GIF Column to see which emails contain Animated GIFs and which do not. When a user clicks on an email in their inbox, they'll be able to see the GIFs being used in the email.
Users can run Dashboard reports for GIFs for any date range they would like. By running a Dashboard Report for a brand, users can see the percentage of all emails sent by a brand that contain a GIF. This is a great way to better understand adoption and usage of GIFS in email.

Users can run Trends reports for GIFs for any date range they would like. By running a Trends Report for GIFs, users can see how many total emails have been sent for the date range, how many contained GIFs and the % of Total emails that contained GIFs. This is a great way to better understand adoption of GIFs and which brands are using GIFs in their email marketing efforts