A great way to show support for progressive ideas.

Friends -

Tonight Minnesota is taking the first step in selecting delegates for the Democratic National Convention.

This is an important step to help ensure that the delegates we send to the party conventions are committed progressives and people who like Bernie.

They're called Precinct Caucuses, and they're taking place at 7:00 pm tonight.

Can you attend your Precinct Caucus? This is a great way to show support for our platform.

Click here to find where your Precinct Caucus is taking place tonight at 7:00 pm.

At these Precinct Caucuses, you won't be voting for Bernie — but you WILL be supporting progressive activists who are trying to get policies like Medicare for All and a Green New Deal into the state party's platform.

This is a great way to show your support for Bernie's ideas and to make sure that progressive delegates get elected. Thanks for attending if you can.

In solidarity,

Team Bernie

Can't attend a Precinct Caucus tonight? Sign up for a canvassing shift instead to help get out the vote for Bernie.

RSVP for a canvass to help Bernie win Minnesota.