New study finds skipping breakfast leaves nutritional gaps in your diet.
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Soylent Cafe Mocha

"Don't skip breakfast, when you can sip it."

Soylent is the easiest way to consume a healthy, fast breakfast.

A bunch of breakfast experts—or graduate students at the School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at The Ohio State—did a little digging into how it impacts your diet when you skip breakfast.

The results aren't pretty.

The study published in Proceedings of the Nutrition Society uncovered a trend that when people miss out on certain nutrients at breakfast, they often fail to get those nutrients at all throughout the rest of the day.

Namely, calcium, potassium, fiber, and Vitamin D. And shortages in these nutrients are often associated with chronic health issues.

Long story short, don't skip breakfast. And if your excuse is that you don't have time to make breakfast, we know your pain. In the morning, minutes move like seconds.

That's why we made breakfast tasty and sippable and packed with all the nutrients you need to kick off your day.

Oh, we should also mention that we made it super tasty too...because no one wants a bland-tasting breakfast.


P.S.  If you want to learn more about this study and the impact of skipping breakfast check out our newest blog on the subject!

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Image of Soylent Cafe Mocha<BR><BR>
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