Right now, almost everyone is wondering what will happen tomorrow. We are too.

Friends -

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a contribution to our campaign before Super Tuesday. Please give me a chance to explain why this request — especially tonight — is so important.

Right now, almost everyone is wondering what will happen tomorrow. We are too.

But we also have to be thinking about the states that follow, because there are multiple super PACs running ads to beat us, including a $4 million negative ad campaign.

So shortly after the Super Tuesday votes are tallied, we have a meeting scheduled to allocate budget for the states that follow.

We have a plan — one that can put us in reach of the nomination, but it will take resources to pull off. More than we have right now. So here is the part where I ask:

Can you make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign tonight? We're going to put that donation right to work, almost immediately, in the next set of states Bernie needs to win this nomination.

We expect to do well tomorrow night, but any success we enjoy will only intensify the political establishment's "Stop Sanders" movement. But if we have what we need to fight through the attacks from all corners and comers, then we have a plan to win.

Help Bernie make it happen.

Faiz Shakir
Campaign Manager