Friends -

In just a moment, I am going to ask you to make a contribution to our campaign for president. Please give me a chance to explain why this request — especially before tonight’s debate — is so important.

Here is the truth:

One of the reasons our campaign is doing so well is because people know that we have the guts to actually stand up to the greed and corruption of the drug companies, insurance companies, and the fossil fuel companies — industries whose reckless pursuit of profits is killing Americans and destroying our planet.

We aren’t going to take their money. When we are in the White House, we are going to take them on.

That is what you will hear from me at tonight’s debate. And every single donation we receive before I take the stage sends an unmistakable message that it is OUR grassroots movements that has the power to take them on.

So before I take the stage tonight, I have to ask:

Can I count on you to make a $2.70 contribution to our campaign? Every donation we receive between now and the time I take the stage sends an unmistakable message about the size, strength and commitment of our movement.

At every debate so far, I have talked about the number of volunteers we have, and the number of donations we have received. And there is a chance I will do so again tonight.

I do it because I cannot take on Trump and the billionaire class of this country alone. There is only one way. And that is together.

Not me. Us.

So please, make a $2.70 contribution before I take the stage tonight. I would not ask if it were not so important.

Thank you for being a part of a campaign which will be unprecedented in modern American history — a campaign that is not only going to win the Democratic nomination, is not only going to defeat Donald Trump, but with your help is going to transform this country.

In solidarity,

Bernie Sanders