Friend —

By Steve Bannon's own admission, Donald Trump's re-election prospects are not good.

Bill pulled in 9% of the traditional Republican vote in New Hampshire, and if just a third of those folks stay home or vote for someone else in November, we'd be handing our country over to Joe Biden, Mike Bloomberg, or worse, Bernie Sanders.

But we have a chance to show folks that there is another path for our party and our country. Folks don't have to hold their nose and choose between voting for a corrupt president or a tax-raising Democrat. There is another option, and that option is Bill.

But if more folks are going to see Bill as a viable option we need to act fast. Super Tuesday is right around the corner, and if we can build on the momentum we've got coming out of New Hampshire, we have a shot of knocking Trump's re-election campaign out for good. 

Can you help us deliver a decisive blow by chipping in to our Super Tuesday Victory Fund right now?


Thanks for your help,

Paid for by Weld for President 2020 Presidential Campaign Committee · United States
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